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XSetup plugin | 2000-08-07 | 1.9 KB | 69 lines
"FILE"="Xteq Systems X-Setup Plugin 5.0" "TYPE"="6" "COUNT"="4" "UIPATH"="Program Options\Microsoft Office\MS Office 2000\Common" "NAME"=Security" "VERSION"="1.09a" "LANGUAGE"="VBScript" "TEXT 1"="Trust installed files in Word" "TEXT 2"="Trust installed files in Excel" "TEXT 3"="Trust installed files in PowerPoint" "TEXT 4"="Trust installed files in Access" "DESCRIPTION 1"="This specifies whether or not you want Microsoft Office 2000 programs to trust installed files." "DESCRIPTION 2"="Enabling this lowers security somewhat, but disabling it marks installed files as trusted, which will cause Office 2000 programs to treat them as if they are safe, with macros enabled." "AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems" "CONTACTURL"="http://www.xteq.com" "COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved" "COMMENT 1"=" " sV1="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Word\Security\" sV2="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Excel\Security\" sV3="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\9.0\PowerPoint\Security\" sV4="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Access\Security\" sValName="DontTrustInstalledFiles" 'DW sPCheck="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\" Sub Plugin_Initialize if RegPathExists(sPCheck) then Call Red(1,sV1) Call Red(2,sV2) Call Red(3,sV3) Call Red(4,sV4) else Disable() End if End Sub Sub Red(ITM,VAL) i=RegReadValue(VAL & sValName) if i<>1 then SetUIElement ITM,true End Sub Sub Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex) End Sub Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex) Call Wrt(1,sV1) Call Wrt(2,sV2) Call Wrt(3,sV3) Call Wrt(4,sV4) End Sub Sub Wrt(ITM,VAL) b=GetUIElement(ITM) if b=true then s=RegReadValue(VAL & sValName) if IsEmpty(s)=false then Call RegDeleteValue(VAL & sValName) else Call RegWriteValue(VAL & sValName,1,2) end if end sub Sub Plugin_Terminate End Sub